Orthotic & Prosthetic Technologies (OPT) of Texas hosted a First Volley Tennis Clinic at Circle C Tennis Center in Austin, Texas. Frieda Borth, who serves as the patient advocate for OPT Texas, was instrumental in the success of the clinic. Borth had experienced First Volley as part of the 2008 Amputee Coalition of America National Conference and saw the value to OPT in hosting a clinic for Austin amputees. Aaron Foreman, PT, CPO and owner of OPT Texas along with his wife, Shelly, made the introductions to Circle C Tennis Club.
The clinic was led by First Volley director of tennis, Darren Kindred, who was assisted by Circle C tennis professional, Mari Toro and United States Tennis Association adaptive tennis committee member, Henry Cox.
A total of 16 amputees played on the tennis court. The participants were lead through a series of tennis skills and drills aimed specifically for their unique challenges. Included in the group were participants with hearing impairment and visual impairment. There was a Wounded Warrior participant, as well.
“This was our most successful sponsored First Clinic to date,” Robin Burton, OPAF executive director, said.