BOSTON – biodesigns Inc. introduced the High-Fidelity Interface System at the American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association National Assembly here.
“A large majority of transfemoral amputees or high-activity level patients are not candidates for osseointegration,” Randall Alley, BSc, CP, chief executive officer of biodesigns inc., said. “With osseosynchronization, we are attempting to do the same thing as osseointegration. We are focusing in on the bone, not the periphery. We are looking at working in unison with skeletal motion without the basic risk of surgery.”
Randall Alley
The High-Fidelity Interface system is the company’s first product in its new OsseoSync Technology line. The interface system incorporates the benefits of osseointegration without the surgery, Alley said.
The interface system uses an alternating compression and release design to capture and control the underlying bone.
“We use targeted centripetal pressure but outward centrifugal release,” Alley said. “We come into an area of increased density around the femur and it can’t move at all because of the dense field of compression.”
According to Alley, the interface system enhances connectivity, increases comfort, reduces energy expenditure, enables greater range of motion and rotational control. It also creates shorter trim lines because stability does not need to be created higher on the residual limb and allows for a much lighter prosthesis.
For more information:
Alley R. Introducing the High-Fidelity Interface system. Presented at the American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association National Assembly 2012. Sept. 6-9, Boston.