Advanced Arm Dynamics Holds Open House in Philadelphia

Advanced Arm Dynamics held an open house for their new Northeast Center
of Excellence located in Philadelphia. Advanced Arm Dynamics also has patient
care facilities in Portland, Ore., Dallas and Minneapolis.

The Philadelphia Center of Excellence, which officially opened on March
20, features a kitchen area for patients from out of town, assembly area, a
full lab area, exam room and conference room. Ryan Spill, CP, is the
clinical manager of the new facility. In 2007, Spill worked as an upper
extremity specialist at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington DC, where
Advanced Arm Dynamics is the sole provider of upper extremity prosthetic care.

“Ryan brought us to Philadelphia,” John Miguelez, CP,
president and senior clinical director of Advanced Arm Dynamics, told
O&P Buiness News. “We have always built our centers
around our clinicians. We also feel that there are a lot of patients who are
underserved on the East coast. We believe our comprehensive approach is the
right solution for those patients. It is about specializing. It is about the
resources we bring to the patient. We understand the technology that is
available so patients have access to everything. It works for us and most
importantly, it works for the patient.”

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